Last week, Women International Club held a bazaar at JHCC and Mom got a few invitations from her friend, so Mom, me and the maid with Emma went to the bazaar and just before we left, I chatted with Catherine online and offered her to go and she happened to be interested...so she came with her in law, siew huey, hugh's mom :). Anyways... I was carrying Emma using the bubzilla sling, because I thought it would be troublesome to bring her stroller. When I first bought this sling in Brisbane, I found it very difficult to use because Emma was so small and I was afraid of dislocating her soft neck bone. But now, her bone is stronger and I find it very easy to use and very practical if compared to Combi's Ninna Nanna (I bought this as well and find it very difficult to feed her when I carry her, plus Emma usually gets cranky as I try adjusting the straps). I think this bubzilla sling cries for attention :) because a lot of people would stop me (at WIC) and say how cute Emma is (something that doesn't happen too often when she's in her stroller) and of course asked me how UNCOMFORTABLE she looked (she was sleeping and her head was all the way in)...but I think she was happy and comfy, coz she was all asleep at the bazaar :D
Anyways...WIC Bazaar wasn't as big as INACraft ( I LOVE INACraft ) but I did finally find 5 QUILTERS!!! SO HAPPY! and I found a lady who gives quilt lessons and Catherine and I are starting our first lesson tomorrow :) yay!
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