We had so much fun this afternoon :). Chia and Rani came to my apartment for our little crafty Thursday meet. Rani is only visiting, since she lives in Singapore and she wanted to learn a little sewing. Chia came with a finished yellow dress (kinda reversible before I embroidered it) and a baby hat for her friend's baby girl and they're so very lovely! We asked Rani to do a wrap dress for her chubby baby and make it reversible for Rani's very first sewing project, the result is just beautiful :). Chia's reversible yellow dress is using the pattern from a very good Japanese sewing book for baby (highly recommended) ISBN978-4-579-10996-8 (the same one I used to make the pants for my friend's baby). Rani's creation, a reversible wrap dress is from Chia's Japanese sewing book ISBN978-4-579-10970-8, it is the same dress Chia made for misfit's present. Chia also came for a little pleating 101, which I am no expert myself....but from the look of it, I don't think we will be smocking anytime sooon :p. Here are their creations:

Hi Lia! I found your blog via dreamesh. I find it really fun to read. Will be visiting more, if you don't mind :) Salam kenal!